Some of you already know, but we are getting Afton fitted with a DOC-band or helmet as we'll refer to it (makes it much less medical and much more racecar). After much deliberation I am reluctantly agreeing to my sweet baby wearing this for 23 hours a day for 3-4 months.
Here's the with the new recommendation that all babies be placed on their backs due to the increase in SIDS in the late 90s, babies are now developing flat heads from all the time spent on their backs. Afton's isn't too bad at all, just a slight flat spot on the left side and our pediatrician in Indy seemed to think it wold get better on it's own. Well, we move to Chicago and suddenly this devil pediatrician thinks there's all sorts of things wrong with Afton. (minor things, but STILL) I finally took him to the consult at a place called Cranial Technologies and of course they say he needs a helmet. $3,000 out of pocket b/c our insurance sucks, why wouldn't they say he needs one?
Anyhow, we initially thought no way, but then after thinking about it for several weeks, we decided it probably was a good idea. I don't want Afton asking me when he gets older why his head had a flat spot and telling him "Mommy and Daddy couldn't afford it." I would feel like a failure.
Ideally, you put kids in the helmet when they are younger, and their heads are more malleable. Afton is nearly one but they say good results can be achieved. Most people don't even notice it now, so if it gets 50% better I'll b satisfied.
I'm distraught by this, obviously for many reasons. It's hot out now, he has to wear this on his head and sweat all summer. He can't wear hats and I will miss his hair. I love his head! I also am worried about people looking at him funny. He thrives on getting people to look at him and pay attention to him and I don't want people to treat him any different.
All in all, this is a good thing, and I'm glad we're doing it but I don't have to like it!!!
Here's a picture of what one looks like. Afton is getting measured today and fitted with it in 2 weeks. We're going to have someone paint it who paints racecar helmets so it will look cool.
Several kiddos at Greta's daycare have had helmets and it does get your attention at first. Especially if you are not familiar with helmets. But the cute stickers, colors, and the precious baby in the helmet far outweigh the initial attention the helmet garnered! Plus, the other kids couldn't care less! I hope Afton's time with the helmet goes fast so he can move on to more exciting & fun things!
I know you won't regret doing this. I promise you the time will fly by. Just warning you, you will get some looks. Most people thought London had some kind of brain surgery when she had her helmet. But when people looked funny at her, I just blurted out, "Yes, it's a helmet to help her head not be so flat. But isn't it cute on her??" :)
Oh Aislinn - you're being such a good mom, but taking care of it! I'm proud of you! It will be hard, but in the long run, he will be no worse for the wear. Remind me of this if it comes my way!
As you know, Scarlett had not one but two helmets and now that we're done, those 7 months flew by. You will be happy you did everything you could for his little head! It will be harder on you than him. You will be surprised how easily he will adjust. I think if I put Scarlett's on right now, she wouldn't skip a beat. Hang in there..this too shall pass! It is for the best!
i can't wait to see the paint job!
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